Monday 9 March 2015


2015 is an 8 year in numerology and marks a powerful time of inner change and transformation which will have lasting effects. It’s a year for making strong decisions and positive choices that lead us towards our goals. The number 8 relates to money, power, sex, death & rebirth, so we can expect these themes throughout the year. This is a year to reclaim our power and really take control of our life path, NO EXCUSES! A time to truly embrace our purpose and believe in ourselves without compromise. 

Often we start the New Year with lots of energy and positivity. We set our New Year’s resolutions with good intent but somewhere along the way we lose focus and energy to see them through. We get busy, side-tracked or are tempted to shrink back inside or dismiss our abilities. We’ve all done it, but the only way we will follow through this year is to COMMIT and have the STRENGTH to see them through. At the end of the day it’s only YOU who can make things happen. 

Here are my tips for helping you remain true to your path and your goals in 2015:
Smoky Elestial Quartz Crystal
  1. Select a personal crystal or 'power stone' to remind you of your goals. My pick for a 'power stone' this year is SMOKY ELESTIAL QUARTZ. This amazing crystal has a very high vibration which supports your spiritual growth. Elestials continuously receive pure spiritual energy and allow you to receive an infusion of love & light at a comfortable frequency for your personal healing and growth. They resonate strongly with the base chakra and create a powerful action of grounding higher vibrations into the body (an important theme for us in 2015). Elestials grow with you and open doorways to higher dimensions, especially the angelic realm.
  2. Select a special or uniquely shaped piece of clear quartz crystal and programme your intention and goals into it. After thoroughly cleansing and dedicating your crystal hold it to your third eye and speak / repeat your intentions clearly into it. Connect with this crystal regularly to keep you aligned to your goals.
  3. Music is a powerful healer. Choose a song that best represents the energies you wish to embrace in 2015. A song that inspires you and lifts you when your spirits are low. Play this song today and every time you need it.
  4. Create a vision board just for you. Don’t worry about making it perfect….create something that helps you focus on what you want or what inspires you. Think colours, objects, words or images of positivity and inspiration. Place it where you will see it often.
  5. A positivity / gratitude jar! Buy or decorate a beautiful jar and every day write down at least one thing that you are grateful for or something special you experienced. Pop it in the jar and place a piece of citrine crystal in there too for an added boost!
  6. Spring clean and de-clutter your space. Nothing says a fresh start like a clean house or room and it’s a wonderful way to keep things simple and uncomplicated.
  7. Create an alter or sacred space just for you where you can self-heal, refocus and find inner peace. Commit to doing your meditation, reflection, journal writing etc in this space as often as you can.
  8. Plant a seed or flower to remind you of new beginnings. This symbolises planting and seeding your intentions for the year. Say a prayer or give it a little blessing and nurture your plant as you nurture your dreams.
  9. Ask for a personal message of love or guidance from your Spirit Guides and Angels and commit to sitting still and receiving their wisdom often.
I trust these simple ideas inspire you and help you to remain in a state of gratitude and awareness. Today let’s put the past behind us and use the wisdom we've gained from our experiences to start afresh in this very moment. 2015 will be a pivotal and defining year for us all....BRING IT ON!!

Sending love to you all and may your dreams come true!

© Cosmic Codes (Amanda Coppa) 2015